When two companies join forces and merge, success stories are born. However, there is often uncertainty among the workforce before the change. It is therefore best to get employees on board from the outset and answer any questions that arise, thereby minimising uncertainty. What could be better than a livestream?
Eliminating uncertainties from the very first second in the livestream
The two companies Robur Industry und Service Group GmbH and Spie Deutschland & Zentraleuropa GmbH are taking precisely this approach. Although the official authorisation from the Cartel Office is still pending, the two CEOs Markus Holzke (Spie) and Jan-Jörg Müller-Seiler (Robur) wanted to clear up any ambiguities from the very first second. In a one-hour livestream from our Munich studio, they answered all questions from employees.
Zoom as the transmission tool for the stream from the Live Studio Munich
This time, the organisers chose Zoom as the transmission tool. The advantage here: All employees can dial in within the company via an access link and ask questions in writing via a window. The stream was also translated into English and Spanish, as some of the employees are based in branches abroad.
TV screens for the presentation
In addition to the questions, the two CEOs gave a presentation on all the innovations that will come with the merger. The technical solution was as follows: Markus Holzke and Jan-Jörg Müller-Seiler stand in front of a table in our studio. On the opposite side, three of our PTZ cameras are hanging at eye level. Below them is a large TV on which the presentation can be seen. This means that the speakers can look directly into the camera, but can also see the presentation at the same time.

The employees’ feedback on the livestream was consistently positive. All questions were answered bluntly and personally by those responsible. A livestream is not only the right choice for informing employees in the event of a merger. A livestream is also perfect for annual financial statements or reorganisations. Give us a call and we will plan your next stream from the livestream studio together with you: 089 41 41 453 22.